Lady drink

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Lady drink or LD is a concept common in nightlife venues, particularly in bars and KTVs across Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand. It refers to an overpriced drink that a customer buys for a hostess or female entertainer to engage her in conversation and companionship.

The drink is not just about the beverage itself but acts as a tip or incentive for the hostess to spend time with the customer. The hostess usually earns a commission for each lady drink purchased. While the hostess enjoys the drink, which may be alcoholic or non-alcoholic, the transaction serves as an invitation for her to stay at the table longer and provide more personalized attention. Buying lady drinks may also lead to more flirtatious or intimate interactions, depending on the venue.

Lady drinks are a staple of the business model in these nightlife venues, with the expectation that patrons buy multiple rounds to maintain the company of the hostess.