Empire KTV

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Empire KTV is a KTV in Singapore.

Empire KTV
Name Empire KTV
Alt Name Empire, 蒂国
Type KTV
Country Singapore
City Singapore
Zip Code 238841
Address 150 Orchard Road, #05-20, Orchard Plaza
Hours 5PM - 6AM
Sessions 5PM - 9PM (HH)
9PM - 2AM (NH)
2AM - 6AM (NH2)
Tip HH S$70, NH S$100, NH2 S$150
Number of girls 30 - 40
Hotness Hot
Age 20 - 30
Playability Medium - High
Nationality Vietnam
Language Vietnamese, English, Chinese
Minimum spend S$98/118/128
Minimum spend small room 2 Tower
Minimum spend medium room 4 Tower / 2 Bottle
Minimum spend large room 8 Tower /4 Bottles
Map Location
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Empire KTV is a 2 floor complex with well furnished rooms and professional staff. Rooms are bigger than other KTVs, perfect place to bring your clients to discuss a business deal. There are LOTS of hostesses (40 at least), we are sure you can find your match here.

Empire KTVは、内装が整った部屋とプロフェッショナルなスタッフが揃った2階建ての複合施設です。他のKTVよりも部屋が広く、ビジネスディールを話し合うクライアントを連れて行くのに最適な場所です。ホステスがたくさんいます(少なくとも40人)、ここでお客様にぴったりの相手が見つかること間違いなしです。
Empire KTV는 잘 꾸며진 객실과 전문적인 직원이 있는 2층 건물입니다. 다른 KTV보다 방이 더 크며, 비즈니스 거래를 논의하기 위해 고객을 데려오기에 완벽한 장소입니다. 호스티스가 많이 있습니다(적어도 40명), 여기에서 꼭 맞는 상대를 찾을 수 있다고 확신합니다.
Empire KTV 是一个拥有精美装修房间和专业员工的两层综合体。房间比其他 KTV 大,是带客户洽谈生意的理想场所。这里有很多(至少 40 位)小姐,我们相信您一定能在这里找到合适的人选。
Empire KTV 是一個擁有精美裝修房間和專業員工的兩層綜合體。房間比其他 KTV 大,是帶客戶洽談生意的理想場所。這裡有很多(至少 40 位)小姐,我們相信您一定能在這裡找到合適的人選。

Alcohol Prices / Menu



Carlsberg Smooth
Number Happy Hour Night Hour Morning Hour
1 Tower 98 118 128
3 Towers 228 298 328
Special for 3+1 and Beer keep balance for 2 weeks
Liquor Type Happy Hour Night Hour Morning Hour
1 Bottle 2 Bottles 1 Bottle 2 Bottles 1 Bottle 2 Bottles
Glenlivet 12 Years 248 468 398 3+1 418 3+1
Glenlivet 15 Years 278 518 438 3+1 458 3+1
Glenlivet 18 Years 348 828 528 3+1 548 3+1
Chivas 12 Years 248 468 398 3+1 418 3+1
Chivas 18 Years 278 518 438 3+1 458 3+1
Chivas 21 Years 478 958 588 4+1 608 4+1
Martell Vsop 248 468 398 3+1 418 3+1
Cordon Bleu 498 958 588 4+1 608 4+1
Martell Noblige 278 518 438 3+1 458 3+1

All prices are in Singapore Dollars (SGD / S$)




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