Villa KTV

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Villa KTV
Name Villa
Alt Name 大福豪, prev. The Lord, prev. 至尊
Type KTV
Country Singapore
City Singapore
Zip Code 228149
Address 1 Sophia Road, #03-50, Peace Centre
Hours 4PM - 3AM
Sessions 4PM - 7PM (HH)
7PM - 11PM (NH)
11PM - 3AM (NH)
Tip S$50, S$100
Number of girls 20-25
Hotness Hot
Age 20 - 25
Playability Average
Nationality Vietnam
Language Vietnamese, English, Chinese
Minimum spend $78
Minimum spend small room 1 Tower/1 Bottle
Minimum spend medium room 2 Tower/1 Bottle
Minimum spend large room 3 Tower/2 Bottle
Map Location
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Villa KTV is a KTV in Singapore.


Villa KTV is a newly opened (Dec 2022) KTV at Peace Center. Assuming the ex-premises of the now defunct The Lord KTV, Villa KTV has very exacting tastes on their hostesses and you can generally find girls from 19-25 working here. Some are models, influencers and in general very popular girls in Vietnam. Only the hottest girls are selected to work here and you'll be spoilt for choice. Villa also offers very affordable prices for alcohol and is worth a visit.

Villa KTVは、Peace Centerにある2022年12月にオープンしたばかりのKTVです。現在は営業を停止しているThe Lord KTVのかつての施設を引き継いでおり、Villa KTVはホステスに非常に厳格な基準を持っています。一般的には19歳から25歳のホステスが働いています。中にはモデルやインフルエンサー、ベトナムで非常に人気のあるホステスもいます。最も魅力的なホステスだけがここで働くことが選ばれ、選択肢に困るほどです。Villaではアルコールも手頃な価格で提供しており、訪れる価値があります。
Villa KTV는 Peace Center에 있는 2022년 12월에 개장한 KTV입니다. 폐업한 The Lord KTV의 전 건물을 이어받아 Villa KTV는 호스트에게 매우 엄격한 기준을 적용하고 있으며, 일반적으로 19-25세의 호스트들이 여기에서 일하고 있습니다. 일부는 모델, 인플루언서, 베트남에서 매우 인기 있는 호스트입니다. 가장 인기 있는 호스트들만 여기에서 일할 수 있으며, 선택의 폭이 넓습니다. Villa는 술 가격도 저렴하게 제공하고 있어 방문할 가치가 있습니다.
Villa KTV 是位于 Peace Center 的一家于2022年12月新开张的 KTV。接替已经倒闭的 The Lord KTV 的前址,Villa KTV 对其小姐非常挑剔,通常可以在这里找到年龄在19至25岁之间的小姐。有些是模特、网红以及越南非常受欢迎的小姐。这里只挑选最热门的小姐,让您选择众多。Villa 还提供非常实惠的酒水价格,值得一游。
Villa KTV 是位於 Peace Center的一家於2022年12月新開張的 KTV。接替已經倒閉的 The Lord KTV 的前址,Villa KTV 對其小姐非常挑剔,通常可以在這裡找到年齡在19至25歲之間的小姐。有些是模特、網紅以及越南非常受歡迎的小姐。這裡只挑選最熱門的小姐,讓您選擇眾多。Villa 還提供非常實惠的酒水價格,值得一遊。

Booking: Bella - addforfun666 (Wechat)

Alcohol Menu / Prices


Villa alcohol prices happy hour1.jpeg Villa alcohol prices night hour1.jpeg


Liquor Type Happy Hour Night Hour
1 Bottle 2 Bottles 3 Bottles 4 Bottles 1 Bottle 2 Bottles 3 Bottles 4 Bottles
Martell Vsop 238 438 638 848 298 558 818 1068
Martell Noblige 308 528 738 948 418 678 958 1238
Martell Cordon Bleu 428 838 1238 1648 518 998 1498 1999
Chivas 12 Years 218 418 628 808 258 478 718 928
Chivas 18 Years 268 518 758 998 318 618 898 1158
Macallan 348 676 398 778

All prices are in Singapore Dollars (SGD / S$)

Type Happy Hour Night Hour
1 Tower 3 Towers 5 Towers 6 Towers Additional Tower 1 Tower 3 Towers 5 Towers 8 Towers Additional Tower
Carlsberg 78 198 338 418 65 118 318 508 818 96
Tiger Crystals 88 228 348 428 68 128 328 518 828 99

All prices are in Singapore Dollars (SGD / S$)





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