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DMAX is an up and coming club at Golden Mile. We aren't sure if the girls are hot here, but we can be sure that they will sit with you for a long time. The only thing we don't like is the toilet which is situated outside and you have to go past people dining at the mookata store. That being said, their beers are cheap, and have huge rooms.
DMAX is an up and coming club at Golden Mile. We aren't sure if the girls are hot here, but we can be sure that they will sit with you for a long time. The only thing we don't like is the toilet which is situated outside and you have to go past people dining at the mookata store. That being said, their beers are cheap, and have huge rooms.
DMAX는 Golden Mile의 신생 클럽입니다. 여기서 여자들이 핫한지는 모르겠지만, 오래 함께 앉아줄 것이라는 것은 확실합니다. 유일하게 우리가 좋아하지 않는 것은 화장실이 밖에 위치하고 먹을 것을 사러 가는 사람들을 지나가야 한다는 것입니다. 그렇다면, 그들의 맥주는 싸고 방도 큽니다.
DMAX 是在 Golden Mile 一个比较低调的俱乐部。我们不确定这里的女孩是否很火辣,但我们可以确定她们坐台的时间较长。我们唯一不喜欢的是洗手间在外面,你需要经过在火锅店就餐的人。话虽如此,他们的啤酒便宜且房间很大。
DMAX 是在 Golden Mile 一個比較低調的俱樂部。我們不確定這裡的女孩是否很辣,但我們可以確定她們坐檯的時間較長。我們唯一不喜歡的是洗手間在外面,你需要經過在火鍋店就餐的人。話雖如此,他們的啤酒便宜且房間很大。

Booking: '''Miki''' - mkbengoan
Booking: '''Miki''' - mkbengoan